Now to the stories.
i think that it was hate North Americans week here in Chile or something.
First Story, The SKINHEAD tattoo guy returned...he was walking across the street and basically did the same thing, but his friend yelled and said in spanish, "go back to north america or we will kill you" i said nos vemos manano po. (see ya tomorrow dude) and then they left. haven´t seen them for a couple days.
Second Story, We were crossing the street and this car started speeding up so we backed up and the guy rolleddown his window and yelled f america...then drove off.
Third Story, Yesterday we were walking to an apppointment and this older lady (55-65) came out of her house and asked if we were from north america. My comp said no, but my companion is. She then looked right in my eyes and went off for about 5 minutes about how she hates me because our government killed her brothers like 40 years ago or something. i couldnt catch it all because she was talking so fast. Then she talked to my comp calmly for like 5 minutes, then we started walking off and she went off again about how she hated me.
On top of all that, we ran into young kids (12-18) like six times this week who know every swear word and other stuff and i called every single one.
it is kind of cool hearing all these stories and i cant wait to have more. My spanish is coming along and i taught a family home evening solo the other day in spanish with a member family to practice so that was good.