Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, 2015

Well, our investigators jsut wont budge. sunday is like the day to do everythign here in chile and church just doesnt appeal to people, even when they tell you it is a commandment and they need it to be saved. We left the family with alison this week, we arent going back. Fabianna hasnt been back to church. But other than that, we have found a lot of new people to teach this wish us luck....we are going to invite literally everyone of new people to be baptised this week. Hno. Victor Ochoa, the one who my old comp and i found on his birthday is now 100 percent active is giving up his drinking problem. We had the primary program this week which was great. it made me a little trunky haha. it felt like home. Thanksgiving was alright, we made oatmeal with chocolate milk and mate for dinner...go us.¡#broke  this week i was kissed twice by guys...weird. one drunk and one gay. yeah that was a weird experience. pictures of the gay guy that kissed me will be posted on the blog. hope you are enjoying time with family and the holidays.

Elder Waite
Chile Rancagua Mission

here are a few other things he mentioned this week.

yeah, pretty tired to be honest. but all is good. i sent off an envelope with letters for the fam this week. be looking for it in a couple weeks

sweet! how blessed i am. we changed to summer here now, so we now work until 11 30 at night. Crazy !!!

yeah. we push him like 2 miles to church every week (talking of the guy in the wheelchair in the third picture)

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015

Elder Waite's Report for the week.

This week we went crazy! We put 4 baptismal dates for investigators. Fabiana and her husband Fernado accepted dates for the 12th of December. Also we found this young family and i dropped them with a baptism date first lesson....the only thing is they arent married so we put their date for the end of january so that they can live the law chastity first. We have been going so ham. working like crazy. Also we did a service project, and we are literally building a house...from is sketchy and i think we are going back again this week. That was cool and super hard work. Ive also kind of took up cooking a little bit. I am the an of the house and everyone buys ingredients and i whip up something good to least good for missionaries ahhaa. I saw a talk that i want you all the look up called THE FAMILY IS OF GOD-Carole Stephans. it is a super good talk and i encourage all of you to give a good study...well worth your time. Also, some cool quotes i want to share, ¨"When was the last time that i chose to be happy rather than demanding to be "right"?"
"Look at people with the eyes of the savior, not with your physical eyes".

Anyway, all is going super well for me. Always have little trials come around but the work is well worth. Love you all, every email, letter, pàckage, pray, and thought really make a difference. 
Elder Waite
Chile Rancagua Mission

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 16th Letter

This week we had diivisions again. i led the sector with a kid who had less than a week on his mission....but he was so full of faith and everything went well. some quick news....FABIANNA WENT TO CHURCH!!!!! yeah, that was sick, so we are going to see how her experience went and hopefully give her a date for baptism. 
We did service like 4 days this week for quite a long time actually. we also had another investigator at church this week too...Janet. and 5 less actives. Lets just say we were feeling pretty good at church this week hahah.We fond a couple new people to teach this week and one let us in...but he doesnt belive in preisthood so that is a tough situation to take of, but we are working on that. we had a meeting with the new president (for like 2 weeks) he pretty much just smacked us in the face and no one wanted to do much that day. He told us that we dont have baptism because we arent good missionaries....but the whole entire mission had 6 baptisms the last 2 months...its hard here. Then he asked if we were going to change that and we all said yes, he said no, you guys dont have faith and dont work hard...then we had a prayer and left...yeah that was rough..but other than that we had a great week!

Elder Waite
Chile Rancagua Mission

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9 Report

Here is a few notes from our conversation and the letter home this week.  Thanks everyone who writes to Elder Waite.

This week i got my new comp. Elder Porter. He is a district leader so he is super by the rules on the dot and is working super hard with me. i showed him the outline of our area on tuesday. we have been contacting like crazy and have given out over 20 book of mormons this week. i also went on cambios with the zone leader this week. that was a learning experience. Saturday i taught an english class which was a little scary but it went good. i am going to be teaching one every saturday now. Also for the crazy experience thi elder in my house broke his jaw and had to get surgery!
love you all!

I asked what he is eating now...
food is alright. pretty bland a lot. a lot of rice and soups which kinda suck cause it is hot. also salad with every meal. but it is just lettuce covered in oil and lemon juice. but i actually like that now. and for myself i eat oatmeal because its cheap, noodles too. and sometimes eggs. fruits are starting to come out now so a lot of that

i was in a trio today because my comp was in santiago for a doctors visit because he has herpies in his eye hahahahhah. so i had to go pick him up then buy his food for the week

When asked if he was happy, Elder Waite replied,
yeah! the only thing is i get alittle homesick sometimes but that is normal i guess

When asked how things in general were, and about his new companion...
all is going good. he is a super hard worker. and yeah im healthy

That's all I have for this week.  Thanks again to everyone who writes to Elder Waite

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October 26th and Nov 2 2015 Letters

October 26th

So this week started off on a bad note. I got sick with...something..hahah and was puking all week but that is in the past. Fabianna and Fernando are super great but wont come to church...and we are running out of ideas. but we will see what more we can do this week. We found a less active family this week and they are a grandmother, her daughter, and grand daughter. they are all members except the grand daughter. so we are focused on them and getting them to church, we had a lesson and the daughter commited to come to church this week. hopefully we can get them all but we are making a lot of progress there. I also had a super spuritual experience this week. So wednesday morning i woke up puking and wasnt feeling good. but we went out anyway. i was praying for miracle because i wasnt feeling. my comp said that we should visit this inactive guy who we didnt know and so we looked his address in the area book and went to his house before our lunch appt just to see who he was. He opened the door with a giant smile on his face and invited us in. We introduced ourselves and told him that we came to visit him because we had never seen him at church. He told us that he had a surgery, that had him away from church for a couple months then a project from work. He hadnt been to church at this time for 5 months. He was getting ready to go back but he thought to himself that NO ONE in this 5 months had visited him, called him or anything from the church. His wife also had divorced him 2 years ago and he never sees his kids now. Because he lives alone he got into a drinking problem. Then he started crying. He said, Today is my birthday, and i opened the book of mormon to read and then i prayed. i ask for someone to visit me today on my birthday because i am so lonely. then you guys showed up at my house. It was incredible. We went to his house later that night to have a little party and share a message. He said he will come to church next week so fingers crossed. 

What is a week without a wild experience. One day this guy walked up to us and said, i want to hit you in the face. We just looked at him and he took of my comps plaque and pointed at the name jesucristo and said he doesnt exsist, and because we teach about he wanted to punch us. my comp said no and we needed to leave so i started walking and the guy grabbed my shirt and pulled me back and said again, can i punch you. i said do it then we are we going to leave. but he didnt do it and we just left. kind of cool. haha

Elder Waite

November 2nd
So, this week was pretty slow mission wise because there was a lot of thing going on. There was a soccer game wednesday (for the u-17 world cup) so we had to be in the house at 5. We made cookies and just chilled which was nice to have a break. Thursday was a pretty normal day. Friday we went to Rancagua which was sweet, big city and we had lunch at the presidents house which is always a positive thing. That was for a meeting with all the trainers and there missonaries. Saturday was halloween, which sucked because i got so trunky with all the music and kids and all. but we went contacting and my companion was wanting to go home early, so i contacted without his help and found 3 new people to teach. he later thanked me for my example as he was watching me contact. Sunday we found out that my companion is getting transfered, so he got mad and just stayed in bed until church at 11. Then we went and started saying goodbye to all the people in the branch. 

Now for the crazy expiernce of the week.....SKINHEAD!! woohoooo. It is getting kind of funny now how hard this guy tries to harass us. On halloween he made a flag the said f mormons and gringos and ran and put it in our face and yelled long live satan. ahhaha funny. 

Elder Waite
Chile Rancagua Mission